
New Reception Intake 2024/2025

We are always pleased to show prospective parents around the school - please contact Anna Hart or Shelley Bond the school office on 01305 782600 to make an appointment.

To apply for a place at St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School, please click here.

If you are applying for your child to start in September 2024, you must complete the application form via the link above by 15th January 2025. To support your application via our religious criteria you MUST complete the Faith Supplementary Form, which can be found below. Please send the completed supplementary form and any relevant documentation, e.g. baptismal certificate, supporting letter from clergy etc. to office@staugustines.dorset.sch.uk by 15th January 2025.


Full information for applying for a school place can be found on our admissions page.  CLICK HERE to go to our admissions page.