
Mental Health Support

Children, Staff and Parents/Guardians are well supported at St. Augustine's with their mental health and wellbeing.  Our Senior Designated Mental Health Lead is Mrs. Evans and she is supported by a Pastoral HLTA who has a diploma in Trauma, namely Mrs. Harding.  In addition to this we have a full-time SEND TA, who is also a qualified counsellor and two Teaching Assistants who are trained to deliver ELSA support to those who need it.  

'Winston' (our friendship Owl) has found himself some new helpers.  Newly appointed Year 5 children (Winston Helpers), are helping other children who appear to not have anyone to play with, or children who may be feeling sad, or children who may just want a friendly chat during playtimes.   

Our Winston Helpers are: Tegan, Harry, Eilidh, Alex and Riley.  They have their own day to monitor the bench and have already proved that they are worthy candidates for this role.  Thank you to the children for being excellent friendship ambassadors.  

Ukraine Conflict
Please see this link to support your child about the escalating conflict within the Ukraine.