
The Governing Body

 The Governing Body

The Local Governing Board of St. Augustine’s School provides strategic leadership and accountability in the school.  The governors work together with the headteacher to make the tough decisions about balancing resources.  They provide a strategic view of the school by establishing a vision and setting the purpose and aims of the school, monitoring and evaluating the work of the school and holding the headteacher to account.  The governors also discuss the character of the school and its relationship with parents, the outside community, the local parish and the Church.  The governors give of their time and expertise on a voluntary basis and out of a sense of wanting and doing their best for the school.  Governors are currently meeting in-person twice a term where possible.  Minutes of all meetings are available by asking at the school office.

The structure of the governing board is laid down by Plymouth CAST, so that parents and the Church have sufficient representation to make the school what they want it to be.  There are currently a total of 12 governors, which are made up of 6 Foundation Governors appointed by the Diocese, 2 Co-Opted Governors, 1 Staff Governor, 2 Parent Governors and the Head Teacher.

Governors serve for 4 years unless re-appointed, and each year they vote in a Chair and Vice-Chair.

The Local Governing Body is as follows:


Governor Profiles 2024 – 2025


Mrs Vicky Smythe

Chair of Governors and Foundation Governor

Vicky joined the governing board 5 years ago as a Foundation Governor and over the last year has had her term of office renewed for another 4 years. Vicky was elected unanimously in October 2021 to be the Chair of Governors for the Board. She is a practising Catholic and a very active parishioner of Our Lady Star of the Sea. Vicky has a long history in childcare settings and currently works for a local Academy Trust.
Vicky is the Lead Governor for RE and Catholic Life

Fr Anthony O'Gorman

Foundation Governor and Vice Chair

Father Anthony is a Foundation Governor and was appointed in November 2021. He has considerable educational experience having been a secondary school teacher. Father Anthony is the Parish Priest of Our Lady Star of the Sea.

Mr Damian Brown

Foundation Governor

Damian is a Foundation Governor and was appointed in November 2021. He has children at the school and is a practising Catholic and a parishioner of Our Lady Star of the Sea.
Damian is the Lead Governor for Data Protection.

Mr George Dubois

Foundation Governor

George is a Parent Governor and was appointed in October 2021. George has two children at the school and is a practicing Catholic and parishioner of Our Lady Star of the Sea. George works as a Nurse Practitioner for the NHS Ambulance Service and has held senior roles regionally for a national charity.
George is the Lead Governor for Health and Safety

Mr Dave Jennings

Foundation Governor

Dave has two children attending the school and is a practising Catholic and a parishioner of Our Lady Star of the Sea. He works as an Assistant Head Teacher at a school in Dorset and previously held the position of Assistant Vice Principal at All Saints Academy for several years.

Miss Imogen Mayes

Staff Governor

Imogen is a Staff Governor and joined the board in September 2021. She joined the school in November 2020 as a Year 1 teacher. She studied English Literature before teaching and is a huge classic literature enthusiast. She also spent some time living in Bristol where she worked in other schools and has now settled in Weymouth. She is passionate about providing the best school experience for all children and is committed to supporting the school in its development.
Imogen is the Lead Governor for EYFS

Mr Laurie Whyte

Foundation Governor

Laurie is a Parent Governor and was appointed in October 2021. He has one child at the school.
Laurie is the Lead Governor for Statutory Grants and SEND

Plymouth CAST Board Information

St. Augustine’s is part of the Plymouth CAST Multi Academy Trust.  Information about the Trust can be seen here.

CAST Policies

All CAST wide policies can be found here

We welcome interest in joining the Board of Governors at St. Augustine’s, particularly from any parents, an area in which we currently have vacancies.  If you would like further information on the roles and responsibilities and how to become a Governor please contact the Clerk to the Governors, Margaret Lavender, by email to govclerk@staugustines.dorset.sch.uk or by letter to the school address.

To contact the Chair of Governors please address your correspondence to Mrs V. Smythe, c/o St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary School, Hardy Avenue, Weymouth, Dorset, DT4 0RH or send your email via the Clerk at govclerk@staugustines.dorset.sch.uk

Please be aware that the Clerk to the Governors is a part-time role and all correspondence will be acknowledged within 7 days (term time only)